Internet Advertising & Marketing For Lawyers
In my capacity as an authority on google search engine rankings for dui lawyers and other legal specialties nationwide, it is imperative that credible attorney seo consulting services become a foremost priority toward one’s advertising efforts.
As an actual practicing attorney seo marketing consultant, I am here to help navigate the turbulent marketing road for lawyers seeking to maintain dominance within google places attorney listings like I do. One need only to observe my own consistent top lawyer rankings in Google to learn why I stand available as a trusted resource to learn how lawyers get clients from google business places listings both today and in the years to come.
Recently there has been a major change in the way Google has seen fit to display professional listings across America. The changes are significant to your Google places attorney marketing efforts and hasten the need to potentially recalibrate the manner in which your marketing efforts are prioritized.
Please note that the commentary I offer below is simply my opinion; an opinion based upon years of online working practice in maximizing Google listings to my advantage. I believe that in the near future lawyers will learn that successful google business places attorney consulting will now be more important than ever as Google aims to direct future profit motivated endeavors toward funneling all available businesses toward pay per click advertising.
As such, a proper marketing campaign which incorporates direct mail in conjunction with proper Google business places optimization will best insulate the best marketing attorneys from future financial losses.
Unlike entities such as Facebook, Google’s revenue stream is fairly easy to determine; pay per click advertising. Google’s strategy thus far has been brilliant. By offering useful online tools that aid in locating professional services near you, the public has become reliant upon Google as a go to source in fulfilling online consumer needs. As more and more people gravitated to Google and away from original competitors such as Yahoo, Bing and AOL, Google’s free helpful online tools enabled businesses and consumers to benefit from Google’s seemingly qualitative user experience. In so doing, Google has become a trusted name that prioritized the needs of the consumer over profit motive.
Unlike other search engines that had allowed their online pages to become riddled with advertising clutter that turned away users, Google had formerly offered useful free tools on its pages that greatly benefited the online user. One of the most notable of invaluable free services for both consumers and businesses alike has been Google Places listings.
For anyone who has engaged in online research for a particular business trade the appearance of a local map with markers on businesses near you is not an unfamiliar site; but it could be less visible for lawyer google places listings soon.
Why would Google reduce listings for such a popular free service that helps consumers locate local businesses? Because Google Places listings for attorneys are free. In other words, the more people who use Google Places to find a professional or business service the less money Google makes on pay per click advertising at the top of every page.
Free Google Places listings will still appear for certain industries and services that do not have a track record for paying Google for Pay Per Click advertising. However, for lawyers willing to pay Google at least $60.00 or more for a click on a website appearing within its pay per click listings, Google sees little advantage in allowing lawyers willing to become paid advertisers continue to freeload off of free Google Places listings.
Think I’m kidding? Take some time and consider how Google has brilliantly manipulated the business public into participating in its Google Plus listing service.
As a means to take on the Facebook market of interpersonal communication through networks of like minded individuals, Google used the bait of free online tools that would interest businesses seeking to attract clients through its organic (non paid) search results. Most significantly to myself and others like me, demonstrated authoritative authors and/or websites would be rewarded with their picture displayed within Google’s search results for a given inquiry.
Seeing the value of my photo appearing within Google’s listings recognizing me as an authority in my legal defense practice, both myself and other participating lawyers nationwide were motivated and encouraged to participate in bolstering the use of the Google Plus service. As thousands of businesses nationwide began to participate and profit from having their pictures appear online in conjunction with links to their valued Google Plus page, Google was willing to sacrifice short term revenue from lost pay per click revenue in return for populating the ranks of Google Plus, a service it had hoped would become a viable competitor to Facebook’s market demographic.
Google Plus has not become the rival to Facebook that Google has anticipated. However, its objective to compel greater participation into Google products and services was a worthwhile investment for them, but not for the business professional. Why? Because I believe Google’s experiment in offering businesses free online tools to attract customers will soon become reserved for the most powerful and savvy lawyer marketers. For lawyers, doctors electricians, plumbers, etc. who wish to become a visible presence online using Google places business listings the challenges may prove to become that much more difficult.
Google has placed a renewed emphasis on rewarding top ranked free listings to national brand name companies. Further, they have often reduced the number of attorneys visible on map searches from seven to three. In conjunction with eliminating free Google Plus pictures and authorship profiles as well reducing the visibility of free Google maps for local professionals, I believe Google is now engaged in a concerted effort to leverage its effective monopoly on search engine marketing by compelling the use of pay per click advertising.
In the world of the future, those professionals left to endure in the pay to play arena of pay per click advertising will experience significant reductions in revenue if not prepared to become the most effective lawyer google business marketer within your targeted community today.